Creating a Client Project

  • Initiate the Project

    • Go to the Client Dashboard.

    • Click on "New Project".

    • Fill in the client’s details and project requirements.

  • Schedule a Requirements Meeting

    • Use the integrated calendar to schedule a 30-minute meeting with the client.

    • Ensure all key stakeholders are invited.

  • Document Requirements

    • During the meeting, use the provided template to capture all requirements.

    • Enter the details into the project management tool.

  • Manual Developer Matching

    • Based on the client’s requirements, manually select potential developer matches.

    • Use the Developer Dashboard to review and shortlist suitable candidates.

  • Present Matches to Client

    • Update the Client Dashboard with the shortlisted developers.

    • Notify the client to review the matches.

  • Setup Developer Meeting

    • Once the client selects a developer, schedule a meeting between the client and the developer.

    • Confirm meeting details and ensure both parties are prepared.

Last updated